Tag: recruiters

“How Olin Maintains A 97% Placement Rate” is the headline on an extensive interview with Mark Brostoff, associate dean and director of Olin’s Weston Career Center on the website, Poets & Quants. The article by Jeff Schmitt posted November 23, 2015, shares some of the secrets – but not all – to the outstanding job placement track record at Olin. Link to the full article.

More than 800 students participated in Olin’s first “triple header” recruiting day with the first ever MBA Exclusive Hour featuring 25 companies vying for the attention of our graduate students. The annual first day of Meet-the-Firms (MTF) hosted 50 companies on all three floors of the Knight and Bauer Halls’ Atrium. The day culminated with Olin’s first Diversity Recruiting Happy Hour Networking Event sponsored by the Weston Career Center, Latin Americans Club, LGBT BranchOUT, Olin Women in Business and the National Black MBA Association.

At all three events, the exchanges between students and employers were highlighted with high energy conversation and networking.

Students get a few days rest before we do it all over again on the second “triple header” MTF recruiting day on Wednesday, September 16th.

First-year MBA candidates are already into their third week of orientation and participating in a student networking event with alumni and staff to develop confidence in presenting a “personal pitch” to establish professional relationships as well as identify areas for improvement prior to the start of the recruiting season.

MBA Networking Event

MBA Networking Event

The mock networking session is part of the Communication@Olin collaboration that includes the Weston Career Center, Management Communication Center, Graduate Program Office and the Critical Thinking and Impactful Communication course (MGT5314), taught by Dr. Jackson Nickerson and Cathy Dunkin. Several networking activities and professional development (ProDev) sessions are built into MBA orientation and first semester.

For students of the Olin Business School, a summer internship has always been an important part of the career planning and search strategy. In a recent survey of HR professionals, managers and executives commissioned by the Chronicles of Higher Education, it was no surprise that internships still outweigh other factors when employers evaluate candidates for hire.

Internships were ranked as the most important factor in deciding whether to hire a recent college graduate or not, even ahead of employment during college, academic major, volunteer experience and GPA.

Image: Flickr creative commons, Flazingo Photos, Scrabble resume

Robust Job Market for Business Majors. Poets & Quants for Undergrads, July 15, 2014. Weston Career Center’s Brad McLeod says the BSBA Class of 2014 has had great success on the job market with the number of students reporting jobs at graduation four to five percent higher than last year. Story also appeared on Fortune.com


Helping companies identify Olin Business School talent is the primary focus of the new Weston Career Center Ready for Business magazine launched this month.  At Olin, we think great business professionals start out as great students, and the WCC magazine highlights several Olin undergraduates, graduates and MBA candidates who have integrated academic coursework with unique experiences outside the classroom.

For Elle Knust BSBA ’14, who came to WU as an art student in fashion design, started taking classes at Olin, added a marketing major, and soon turned her creative talent and Olin experiences to land her “dream internship” with Nordstrom HQ in Seattle.

Noam Liran, BSBA/MBA ’13 worked tirelessly to earn both degrees but found time to share his firsthand experiences on Wall Street to help undergrads fully understand the different opportunities in investment banking and finance.

The Ready for Business magazine is designed to introduce recruiters to some of our incredible students with stories that are representative of the caliber of students at Olin.  For every story, there are dozens of more students just as amazing and inspiring.  Just like Caitline Malone, MBA ’14, who navigated obstacles on and off the soccer field, and is a leader this year as president of Olin Women in Business.

Whether it is solving multi-faceted problems or engaging with diverse interests and backgrounds, students like Joseph Manavalan BSBA ’14 and Michele Aranovsky BSBA/MSSCM ’14 take advantage of the programs, courses and campus activities that prepare them for real-life, and more importantly, transform them into future business leaders.

The WCC Ready for Business magazine can be downloaded from OlinCareers.wustl.edu or pick up a copy in the Weston Career Center, Simon Hall Suite 10.