Tag: jobs

St. Louis skyline at night

Glenn MacDonald, professor of economics and management, shares his views on local employment issues in an interview published on the St. Louis Magazine website today.

From the minimum wage to right-to-work law, the stadium proposal and the startup scene, Prof. MacDonald sounds a bit bah humbug on the prospects of the city creating new jobs and attracting new businesses. His suggestion to improve conditions calls for a more liberal-leaning government and culture that would attract modern, high tech companies.

Link to the interview.


“How Olin Maintains A 97% Placement Rate” is the headline on an extensive interview with Mark Brostoff, associate dean and director of Olin’s Weston Career Center on the website, Poets & Quants. The article by Jeff Schmitt posted November 23, 2015, shares some of the secrets – but not all – to the outstanding job placement track record at Olin. Link to the full article.

More than 800 students participated in Olin’s first “triple header” recruiting day with the first ever MBA Exclusive Hour featuring 25 companies vying for the attention of our graduate students. The annual first day of Meet-the-Firms (MTF) hosted 50 companies on all three floors of the Knight and Bauer Halls’ Atrium. The day culminated with Olin’s first Diversity Recruiting Happy Hour Networking Event sponsored by the Weston Career Center, Latin Americans Club, LGBT BranchOUT, Olin Women in Business and the National Black MBA Association.

At all three events, the exchanges between students and employers were highlighted with high energy conversation and networking.

Students get a few days rest before we do it all over again on the second “triple header” MTF recruiting day on Wednesday, September 16th.

The data crunchers at Poets & Quants have a new chart that shows where the MBA Class of 2014 got hired by school and industry. Consulting is still the number one destination for newly minted MBAs. Finance, Tech, Consumer Products and Healthcare are also top employers. Check out the stats for the top 25 business schools on the Poets & Quants site.

For students of the Olin Business School, a summer internship has always been an important part of the career planning and search strategy. In a recent survey of HR professionals, managers and executives commissioned by the Chronicles of Higher Education, it was no surprise that internships still outweigh other factors when employers evaluate candidates for hire.

Internships were ranked as the most important factor in deciding whether to hire a recent college graduate or not, even ahead of employment during college, academic major, volunteer experience and GPA.

Image: Flickr creative commons, Flazingo Photos, Scrabble resume

The Financial Times reports there is a growing demand for jobs in financial regulation in response to industry scandals and calls for more oversight by investors and governments around the world. Greg Hutchings, director of specialized masters programs, tells the FT that there is also more focus on risk management jobs — a growing profession. In particular, the ability to identify, prevent and quantify risks for a company is in demand.
Link to article. FTlogo