Studying abroad in Ireland has always been a dream of mine. I had the opportunity to fulfill that dream this semester. Ireland is a beautiful country and I have enjoyed exploring it. I have seen so many castles that remind me of scenes from Frozen. I have crossed the Rope Bridge and seen Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland.

While in Europe, I have visited other countries. I spent my Easter Break traveling with a wonderful group of friends. I got to sit on the beach in Barcelona and relax. I got to see palaces in London and I have decided I want one. I have gotten to eat pizza, pasta, and gelato every single day while in Italy. It has truly been a semester of experiencing beauty in this world.

While studying abroad has afforded me the opportunity to explore the beauty of the world, I have also seen hate and ignorance. I knew that as a black woman, my experience might be different than the narratives I have heard before. I racial slurs spouted at me in Florence. I have heard people openly talk about white males having a harder time entering medical school. I have been stared down on the streets because I am such a novelty. While these are my personal struggles, I have also seen the bombings in Brussels affect the continent. I have heard waiters talk about refugees being the reason for increased rape. During the time I have been abroad, I have seen the widespread effect of intolerance for difference.

During my time abroad, I feel as if I have experienced some of the best and worst this world has to offer. I have learned so much about myself. I now know that working abroad after graduation would not be ideal for me. I have learned to be fearless while exploring. I have learned that I am capable of doing so much more than I thought before this semester. I am also learning how I am seen in this world because of the identities I hold. This semester has prompted me to be confident in the power of my existence. I have had to believe in my value, strength, and power. I am a better, wiser human for studying abroad. Most importantly, I have awesome pictures as proof.

Assiatou Jallow is a sophomore majoring in Entrepreneurship and Marketing. She is currently studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. 

Professor Glenn MacDonald’s Economics of Entertainment has been a popular  course for business school students for several years. Starting next fall, students will be able to pursue a Business of Entertainment minor based on an interdisciplinary combination of courses.  (more…)

Maria Ahern, an Olin junior studying Marketing and Communication Design, is one of approximately 800 American undergraduate students from 355 colleges and universities across the U.S. selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship.


The Poets & Quants for Undergrads website features two Olin seniors in a survey of the Class of 2016. Congrats to Ellen Kaushansky and Alex Ranney for representing Olin. For the record, the Olin Blog would vote to feature the entire senior class – you’re all the best and brightest in our book!


Link here to see Ellen’s profile.






Link here to see Alex’s profile. Alex-Ranney






Poets & Quants, June 27, 2014. Dean’s Q&A: Steven Malter of Washington University.

Associate Dean and Director of Olin’s BSBA programs is featured on the homepage of a new website focusing on undergraduate business schools, launched by John Byrne’s online media franchise Poets & Quants.


Kathleen Mazzarella, Chairman, President, and CEO of electrical and networking products distributor Graybar, attended the last official gathering of the BSBA sophomore Mentor Program this past week. She was joined by Beverly Propst, Senior VP Human Resources and Graybar Board member.

Kathy Mazzarella, CEO, president and Chairman, Graybar

Kathy Mazzarella, CEO, president and Chairman, Graybar

Kathy did a wonderful job sharing with the entire group details about her experiences along the way to reaching the top leadership position at Graybar.  She encourages women to take those stretch opportunties offered by senior leadership, which could lead to career advancement.

Kathy is a 34-year veteran with employee-owned Graybar, the second-largest privately held company based in St. Louis with $5.66 billion in 2013 revenue.