Tag: volunteer

Moneythink is recruiting new mentors for this semester! Don’t know what Moneythink is? We are an organization dedicated to teaching local St. Louis high school students basic personal financial literacy concepts and mentoring them on life after high school.

We teach topics including:

  • Goals & Budgeting
  • Savings & Investing
  • Banking, Credit, and
  • Entrepreneurship

In local high school classrooms, we teach the Moneythink curriculum through fun activities, pop culture references, and small group exercises. It’s a great way to positively influence local communities and the lives of high school students.

Watch the video above, featuring our very own WashU mentors and local high school students in action to learn more about Moneythink and how financial literacy can change lives.

If you are interested in joining or hearing more about it, send Moneythink a quick email and we can go from there! David Paticoff is Moneythink President this year.

Guest post submitted by Scott Nelson, former President of Moneythink at WashU. You can reach Scott with questions about Moneythink at sbnelson@wustl.edu.

Our November Wash U. Military Care Package mailing was a HUGE success!  The group sent 27 boxes, weighing 515 pounds at a cost of $646.  The success has drained our postage funds so donations toward postage would be much appreciated!!

If you would like to contribute to the next Wash U Military Care Package mailing, please drop off your donations to one of the drop-off locations by 11:00 AM on Wednesday, April 22.  The drop-off locations and suggested items are listed at the end of this email.

Please let me know if you are available to help pack boxes on Thursday, April 23, 2:00 PM in the North Campus dining area. Honestly – it’s fun! Contact: Claire Patterson 935-7301

Here are responses from our November mailing.

military care package 2

Captain Erik Anthes, sharing with the U.S. troops, the Australian army and a French Sergeant.

“I received your boxes… finally!   I want to extend my personal gratitude to your organization and thank you for the generous gifts.  As I set the box out for our junior Soldiers to have first take, one of the young men shouted “Yes!  Some guy stuff!”

Another grabbed some q-tips and said “I needed these to clean my weapon!”  The hygiene products were the first thing to go, as we packed 45 days worth of personal demand items and the store on our compound is quite expensive.  This saved many young Soldiers quite a bit of money.”  Erik Anthes


John Nawoichyk, and members of the Ground Forces Command Advisor Team

John Nawoichyk, and members of the Ground Forces Command Advisor Team

“Thank you for the wonderful care packages! My team loved them – I attached a picture so you can see how happy they are. All of them asked that I say THANK YOU to you, the faculty, staff, students and friends. It is such a caring gesture and please know that it means a lot to us.

One of the young Soldiers said “How cool, Christmas came early to Afghanistan!” I attached a few pictures so you can seem them enjoying your awesome packages.
Things here remain well. It has been very busy and some changes in the government, but overall things are going well for us and the people of Afghanistan.
I hope you are having a wonderful day. Thank you again! ” John Nawoichyk

Thank you so much for the care packages.  Attached are two pictures of some of us with the items your generous group sent.  We appreciate this thoughtfulness very much.  We have shared these items amongst our team.

Please feel free to share the photos with anyone who donated to this selfless effort.  Thanks again.

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Gilleran (pictured at top of post)

Suggested items to donate: (Please remember no aerosol or glass)

  • Air freshener (type you hang from review mirror) (no aerosol or liquid)
  • Anti-bacterial items
  • Baby wipes
  • Beef Slim Jims
  • Breakfast bars, granola bars
  • Coffee
  • Corn nuts
  • Creamer
  • DVD’s (new or slightly used)
  • Dried fruit
  • Energy mixes
  • Gum
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Home-baked goods (please put your name on packages)
  • Hygiene products – male and female
  • Individually wrapped snacks
  • Lip balm/Chap stick
  • Liquid bath soap (please no bars – the sand sticks to the bars)
  • Nuts
  • Microwave popcorn
  • Non-digital table games
  • Power bars, Protein Bars, Nutritional Bars
  • Single serve – pre-sweetened drink mixes (Gatorade, Crystal Light, Wylers, etc.)
  • Socks
  • Tooth paste
  • Trail mix (individual size servings)
  • Sudoku/crossword puzzle books
  • Funds for postage are always welcome

Drop off locations:

Knight Hall, Suite 310 (Claire Patterson 935-7301)

South 40, South 40 House, Room 1006 (Lora Clark, 935-4329)

Student volunteers, lead by Vaibhav Sharma and Eduardo Jacobo, sophomores at Olin, showed residents from Bethesda senior living how to turn on their computers, pick a password and navigate the Internet at the first Computer Comfort class on Sept. 19. The tutors also set up email accounts and taught their students how to send, and open, email.

“Now you can receive email from your families,” Sharma said. “It’s a great way to stay in touch.”

Harris Frank

Harris Frank

Vaibhav Sharma and Eduardo Jacobo created the new Computer Comfort student organization to recruit volunteers to tutor senior citizens eager to use the internet. Former Bethesda resident Harris Frank who is 89, worked with students to develop the curriculum.

Frank worked closely with Mahendra Gupta, PhD, dean of the Olin Business School and the Geraldine J. and Robert L. Virgil Professor of Accounting and Management, and Steve Malter, PhD, associate dean and director for undergraduate programs, to develop the program. He believes it can serve as a model nationwide.

Erin Kim, a freshman at Olin, helps Dr. Elsie Meyers navigate a Macbook in the Active Learning Lab in Bauer Hall in the new “Computer Comfort” class being offered for area seniors.

Erin Kim, a freshman at Olin, helps Dr. Elsie Meyers navigate a Macbook in the Active Learning Lab in Bauer Hall in the new “Computer Comfort” class being offered for area seniors.

Participants are benefiting from the course by using their new knowledge to pay bills and stay in touch with loved ones.

Computer Comfort will continue throughout the fall with new participants and volunteers.

Thanks to Diane Keaggy for her article on WUSTL Newsroom.

Images: Photos by Joe Angeles, WUSTL Photo Services; video by Marc Niemeyer, AB’14

Two first year MBA students, Katie Miller and Alex McDonnell, spent their Saturday morning planting seedlings for Missouri Forest ReLeaf. 

Forest ReLeaf is an organization that was founded 20 years ago in an effort to raise awareness of the need for trees within cities and to inspire local volunteers to plant more trees in their communities.

Katie and Alex pause for the camera while helping pot 2,000 seedlings on a recent Saturday.

On Saturday, Katie and Alex helped a volunteer group to plant over 2,000 seedlings in St. Louis!  It is great to see the commitment of our MBA students to the St. Louis community!

Katie Miller serves as the President of the Olin chapter of NetImpact.  NetImpact is an student organization that encourages and teaches business students the importance of  sustainability, corporate responsibility, and social entrepreneurship.


Click here to learn more about Missouri Forest ReLeaf or Olin NetImpact.


A year ago, two MBA students formed Hike4Kids, a charity to raise money for neglected and abused children. Their classmates rallied around the cause and helped raise over $10,000 for a school for blind children in Cameroon (founded by Brook James, MBA’13),  and the St. Louis Family Resource Center. This semester, Michael McLaughlin, MBA’14, is launching a broader effort to create more opportunities for Olin students to volunteer and help neglected and abused children in the community.  The new student organization is called: Unite4Kids.

Read about Hike4Kids co-founder Michael McLaughlin’s back-to-back hikes of the Appalachian and Ozark Trails that helped raise awareness for the cause and led to the creation of Unite4Kids.

Michael and other student volunteers will be contributing to this blog to share events and experiences sponsored by Unite4Kids. Here’s a message from Michael McLaughlin:

This past Monday I came across one of the most beautiful singing voices I have ever heard.  The voice belonged to a 15-year old girl, who sang “Mama’s Song” by Carrie Underwood.

Despite having no musical accompaniment, the young lady managed to impress the audience enough to earn a standing ovation.  And where might you ask did this performance take place?  At a local high school or recital?

It took place at a local youth agency, because this talented young lady has lived in state care for over 2 years.    She is what the staff refer to as a “lifer,” someone who will spend a substantial portion of her formative years living in state care, because there are no family members willing or able to care for her.   And what is this young lady’s crime?  What did she do to end up where she is?    Nothing.  Her crime is that she was born into the wrong family.

While most people undoubtedly resent or fight with their parents throughout their childhood, they are typically not forced to endure the indignity of being thrust into the care of the state because their parents do not love them.

I personally have experienced this feeling, and I can say that without a doubt it is one of the loneliest feelings in the world to know that your own parents do not find you worthy of their love.

After I heard this magnificent singing performance, I was saddened to think what might have been, had only this young lady been born into a different family.  I imagined her singing at a school performance, with loving parents smiling in the crowd as she regaled the audience with her talent.  Everyone would applaud, and most assuredly congratulate her parents on what a talented daughter they had.  The future would be bright.

But as things stand, I cannot say with confidence that the future will be bright.  Because the youth living in state care face daunting challenges that few of them are able to overcome, and it all starts when they “age out” of the system and are forced to fend for themselves.

With no family or support system to fall back on, is it any wonder that such youth find solace in the sense of community offered by gangs, or in the short-term high offered by drugs?  The miracle of it all is that any such kids go on to live happy, fulfilling lives.    I asked the COO of the youth agency what is the most important factor in determining whether one of the kids goes on to live a decent life.  “Whether or not they make a connnection with someone,” she replied.  She went on to say that such a connection could be with anyone; a staff member, a friend, a teacher– it just had to be someone who cares.

Starting this March, a group of Olin students will be preparing monthly dinners for these youth, in the hopes that we can foster such connections.  Here’s hoping that we can successfully connect with some of these youth and let them know that although their parents may not care, there are others in the world who certainly do.

Check out www.Unite4Kids.org or like Unite4Kids on Facebook to learn more.