Tag: support the troops

If you would like to participate in the next Washington University Military Care Package shipment please drop off your donations to one of the locations listed below by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, May 7.

Suggested items (Please remember no aerosol or glass)
AA and AAA batteries
Microwave meals (Ramen Noodles in a cup, raviolis, mac and cheese cups, etc.)
Trail mix (individual size servings) – this is always a favorite!
Energy mixes
Single serve – pre-sweetened drink mixes (Crystal Light, Wylers, etc.)
Tang drink mix, Gatorade powder (preferably single serve)
Chap stick
Liquid bath soap (please no bars – the sand sticks to the bars)
DVD’s (new or slightly used)
Microwave popcorn
Beef Slim Jims
Oatmeal – instant
Individually wrapped snacks
Power bars, Protein Bars, Nutritional Bars
Breakfast bars, granola bars
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
baby wipes
Easy Mac
Dorritos, Fritos and other snacks
Canned nacho cheese dip and salsa (not in a glass jar)
Socks – white
Funds for postage are always appreciated

Drop off locations:
Knight Hall, Suite 310 (Claire Patterson 935-7301)
Lopata Hall, Room 303 (Chris Kroeger, 935-6169)
Med School – Clayton/Taylor Building,
4480 Clayton, 2nd Floor (362-4548 Emily Hixson)
North Brookings, Room 155 (Jill Edwards 935-5623)
North Campus, Financial Services second floor kitchen area (Jan Knobloch Cooke 935- 9789)
South 40, South 40 House, Room 1006 (Lora Clark, 935-4329)
Rebstock 321, Biology Department (Judy Musick 935-6871)
West Campus, 11 North Jackson (Julie Lichtenegger 935-7789)

Flag image: Creative Commons, Flickr, Kahunapule Michael Johnson