New students in the Specialized Masters Programs (SMP) are already on campus and starting classes after a busy week of Orientation.  To familiarize students with Olin, WashU, St. Louis, and all they have to offer, we had many presentations, tours, and social events. We hope our global group of new SMPs enjoy getting to know their new classmates and begin to build life-long friendships as part of the Olin family.

SMP at a glance:

  • Olin received 2,702 applications to the SMP programs. A total of 220 students are enrolled this semester.
  • Students represent 13 countries: Bolivia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, South Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States.
  • 138 different undergraduate schools are represented.
  • 17 students from WUSTL
  • Undergraduate majors include: Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, International Business, Management, Marketing, MIS, Operations Manufacturing Management, Economics, Engineering (Bio Med, Chemical, Civil, Computer Science, Electrical, General, Industrial, Marine Transportation, Mechanical), English Literature, Philosophy, Science (Biochem, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Neurobiology, Physics), Social Science (Asian Studies, Foreign Languages, German, Journalism, Political Science, Architecture)

Programs offered at Olin followed by number of students enrolled this semester:

  • Global Master of Finance , GMF 43
  • Master of Accounting, MACC 54
  • Master of Science in Customer Analytics,  MSCA 32
  • Master of Science in Finance, Quant track: MSFQ 37; Corporate track: MSFC 34
  • Master of Science in Supply Chain Management,  MSSCM 20

For more information about our programs visit the Olin website.

After being officially installed just under a year ago, members of Olin’s Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) executive committee attended the Missouri Valley Regional Conference in Omaha, Nebraska, April 1-2. Professor David B. Pearson (Chapter Co-Faculty Advisor), Gina Choi (VP of Professional Events), Lin Lui (VP of External Relations), and Casey Wagenaar (President) represented Olin and were sponsored by the Weston Career Center and the Specialized Masters Programs.

BAP-logorefresh-v6bThe Regional Conference began with keynote speaker Alexi Wellman, Vice President of Finance at Yahoo! who provided students with insights on the value of taking risks and creating opportunities for oneself. The three students and the faculty advisor had the opportunity to network with 157 students from 17 other colleges and universities and Professional Partners from several accounting and professional services firms.

Additionally, participants had the opportunity to attend a myriad of chapter and professional development sessions.  The chapter development sessions, which were student led, provided insights into how other chapters recruit and retain members, select meaningful service projects, and provide students with valuable professional experiences and meetings. The professional development sessions included a BAP alumni panel, personal branding sessions, ethics and fraud, first audit engagements, and many other opportunities.

Lastly, Gina Choi and Casey Wagenaar participated in Deloitte’s Best Practices Competition presenting on the Alignment of Officer Activities. This was the first regional meeting in which the chapter was eligible to compete, and the chapter looks forward to competing in the future.

Guest Blogger, Casey Wagenaar, MAAC & BSBA’17

That’s Lucy Ke, MAAC student giving her first client a high five after helping prepare her tax return. The photo appeared on the front page of the business section of the Sunday, Feb. 15 edition of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  A few weeks ago, accounting students were taking a special course to participate in the volunteer program that offers free tax prep for low- and moderate-income people in St. Louis.

Read my earlier blog post on the Gateway Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Community Coalition Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program here.