Tag: holidays

Important research from Olin professors can help you avoid the embarrassment of giving unwanted or unappreciated gifts this holiday season! Read on, dear consumer, before you pay good money for a present that will be shoved into a drawer, tossed in the trash, or worst of all, re-gifted!

Research from Joe Goodman, associate professor of marketing, finds that “experiential” gifts provide more happiness than “material” gifts, but that consumers are reluctant to give “experiential” gifts to people they don’t know well. Goodman and his coauthor, Sarah Lim, a researcher at the Center for Happiness Studies at Seoul National University, explain this paradox in their working paper, “Giving Happiness: Consumers Should Give More Experiences but Choose Material Gifts Instead.”  Link to paper.

Skip the Monogram

Associate marketing professor Robyn LeBoeuf says gift-givers often want to impress someone with a very personalized gift that shows how much they care and know the person. Meanwhile, the gift recipient really would prefer that you skip the monogram or gift card to that very special one-of-a-kind restaurant or store.

LeBouef  says she was surprised to find that personalized, special gifts tailored to the recipient often backfire, but it turns out that people prefer presents that are more versatile and less specific. Watch video:

LeBoeuf ‘s working paper “Excessive Personalization in Gift Giving: Givers Choose Personalized but Less-Versatile and Less-Preferred Gifts” is co-authored with
Mary Steffel, University of Cincinnati Carl H. Lindner College of Business and Elanor F. Williams, an assistant research scientist at the Rady School of Management at the University of California, San Diego.

No matter what you’re dreaming of this holiday season, we here at Olin wish you the very best in the coming new year. Happy holidays!

Thanks to the Washington University a capella groups The Greeleafs and The Pikers for their beautiful singing; lyrics by Judy Milanovits and Gabe Watson, Olin Marketing & Communications department. Video by Mike Martin Media.

Today, October 23rd, is Diwali! Indians around the world are celebrating the triumph of good over evil. Here in St. Louis, the Olin India Club is hosting a Diwali celebration on Saturday, November 8th, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm in Emerson Auditorium in Knight Hall. The event will include food and drinks, dancing and a chance to learn about the holiday.


Diwali is a great holiday. While in undergrad, I had the good fortune to celebrate it each year with my roommate. We would clean our dorm room (for once!), light candles and attend the annual dancing event. I encourage American students on campus to come out and support our classmates, who have a lot of dance skills they are going to show off. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the flash mob they put on at Olin last month.

I hear tickets are going fast! Register here for the event.

Good luck to Rahul Sivaswamy, Kaustubh Kulkarni (KK), Rahul Goyal and (all Class of 2016)!

Images: Peddhapati,Diwali candles and Abhilash C, Happy Diwali, Flickr, creative commons

The Olin community shares their heartfelt and funny wishes for the upcoming year. We’d like to extend our fondest wishes to you and yours during the holidays and throughout the new year.

Tell us your holiday wish.

Filmed by Emma Kane (Arts & Sciences ’15) and Benjamin Schwartz (Arts & Sciences ’15). Edited by Mike Martin Media.