Tag: Centennial

Howard Wood, BSBA’61, grew up in Bonne Terre, Missouri, a farming community sixty miles from St. Louis. Both of his parents were school teachers and there was no question that he would go to college, but how to pay for it was a major obstacle. “We were as poor as church mice,” Wood says.

“Washington University was just like it is in these days.  It’s a very expensive place to attend given some of the alternatives.  And my first year’s tuition was $750.” That did not include room and board, Wood is quick to add. He will never forget the generosity of one man who made it possible for him to attend WashU.

“We had a gentleman in Bonne Terre by the name of Henry Day who owned a quarry in the county … St. Francois County where I grew up.  And he offered a full scholarship each year to Washington University.  I was on that scholarship as was my brother.  And we were the only two that ever graduated on it.  So it was kind of an unusual situation, but it was a very nice scholarship, and he was a Harvard graduate. But that’s how I got to Washington University; otherwise I would never have been able to attend.”

Wood was considered “an out-of-town student” when the majority of students lived within the metropolitan area and could take the streetcar to school. “There were very few dorm rooms, practically none,” Wood recalls. “The fraternities had most of the rooms for the men.  There was no South 40. They didn’t have sleeping rooms in the sororities.  So it was a little bit different back in 1957.”

Howard Wood had a successful career at Arthur Anderson before partnering with Olin alumnus Jerry Kent to launch Charter Cable. He has been a generous supporter of the Scholars in Business program and talks about the importance of scholarships in another video in this series.

Link to more Olin history on the Centennial website.


One hundred years ago today, Washington University officially chartered a new School of Commerce and Finance. Today, it is known as Olin Business School and to celebrate this centennial milestone, we’re having a party. Music, food, drinks, a photo booth, and more will be part of the festivities beginning this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. in the Knight Hall Atrium. Happy Birthday Olin!

Share your memories on social media with #Olin100 and visit the Olin100 website to see stories of Olin’s first century in business.

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Larry Thomas, BSBA’77, came to WashU to study science. But discovered he was really attracted to the business school. He switched his major and a summer internship opened doors to a life-long career with Edward Jones. Thomas reflects on his student days and the growth of the business school in this Centennial series video. Larry Thomas is a member of the Olin National Council and a generous supporter of scholarships at Olin.

Learn more about Olin’s history and share your memories on the Olin100 website.

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Sandy Jurgenson, BSBA’81, remembers seeing Simon Hall at Olin Business School for the first time. She, like so many alumni, had attended classes in the crowded, awkward floor plan of Prince Hall that had been originally designed as men’s dorm in 1904. Simon Hall was a state-of-the-art, high tech building when it opened in 1986 and awed returning alumni with its spacious hallways and classrooms. Watch Sandy’s Olin100 video above.

Sandy’s father, Joe Evans, was an administrator at Washington University and her world has revolved around the university for most of her life.


At left, a souvenir from 2011:

Dean Gupta chats with Joe Evans (middle), Olin alumnus and former vice chancellor for university business; Evans’ daughter, Sandy Jurgenson (right), senior associate director of development for Olin; and Jurgenson’s son Drew during the 17th annual Olin Thanksgiving Feast Nov. 24 in the Knight Center.  – from The Record, December 2011

Share your business school memories on the Centennial website, Olin100, or use #Olin100 on social media.

The black and white photograph in the 1920 Hatchet yearbook shows 10 seniors standing on the steps of Brookings Hall.

Group-GraduationThe nine men and one woman formed the first graduating class of Washington University’s new business school. There had been one graduate the year before, Henry Duncker, but this was the first class, the first cohort, and the first woman to graduate with a degree from the School of Commerce & Finance, as it was known then.

Margaret Haase told an interviewer many years later that “a degree in business was a necessity for her. The untimely death of both of her parents and the responsibilities of inheriting one third of the family food importing business—the A.C.L. Hasse Co.—made a business education essential.”  Her brother Walter graduated from the Business School in 1921 and took over the family business, but Margaret became a director and worked with the company’s investment portfolio.

Margaret married a lawyer, John Calhoun, soon after graduation. She had three daughters and was active in community service. She served in various capacities with the Girl Scouts of Greater St. Louis including over three years as the president and later as the finance committee chairperson.

Margaret Haase Calhoun passed away Dec. 20, 1999, at the age of 102, at her St. Louis home.

Group-Women's CouncilPages from the 1920 Hatchet highlight the many activities that Margaret Haase participated in at WashU.

Margaret was extremely athletic and played field hockey, basketball, baseball, and was a tennis singles and doubles champion. She also was a winning swimmer and shotput record-holder.  She served on the Women’s Council; vice president of the W.A.A; vice president of the Commerce Club; and several other student clubs.

Group-Kappa Alpha Theta


Link to Olin100 website for more stories about the business school’s first century.

It’s hard to imagine, but in 1992, there were no smart phones, no selfies, no LinkedIn. There wasn’t even a career center at Olin. The job market was tight and first year MBAs were scrambling to line up summer internships. Rising to meet the challenge, Olin’s Marketing Club held a brainstorming session. The result: they created a deck of cards, modeled after baseball cards, with a photo (selfie) on one side and their ‘stats’ on the other. They packaged the cards with a piece of bubble gum and mailed (snail mail) the cards to potential employers.


Phil Donahue shows the Marketing All Stars baseball cards to his audience.

The clever marketing strategy worked! Students not only got job offers, they also attracted media attention from the likes of Fortune magazine and the very popular Phil Donahue TV talk show.

Thanks to Sandy Jurgenson for telling us about the Marketing Club’s campaign and suggesting we talk to Callaway Ludington Zuccarello, MBA’93, who was a leader of the club and media spokesperson for the group. You can see clips of Callaway on “Donahue” and sharing her fond memories of business school in the video above.

FORTUNE magThat’s Callaway’s baseball card in Fortune magazine at left. The story featured the baseball card marketing scheme and quotes Syl Stevenson, then-general manager of health foods at Pet, who hired one of the Olin students after receiving the cards, “If I’d gotten a stack of 33 resumes, I would have just scanned them. I read each of the trading cards.”

Callaway remembers that almost all  33 students in the Marketing Club received job offers as a result of the baseball cards attention-grabbers. She and a classmate got summer internships at Sara Lee in Chicago.

If anyone has a set of the baseball cards, please share them with us on social media #Olin100, we’d love to see them!