Tag: Boeing challenge

The Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship will be hosting the Boeing Patent Challenge Team Poster Session on Thursday, March 3rd at 5 p.m. in the Whitaker Hall Atrium.

Teams from the Boeing Patent Challenge will be presenting their ideas to re-purpose existing Boeing technology to solve real-world problems in new areas. The poster session will feature the teams’ work in translating the technology information into understandable language and visual representation.

Anyone interested in innovation, technology, art and design is encouraged to attend! Open to the public, please RSVP to our Facebook event here.

Boeing PhantomWorks Ventures has partnered with the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship to bring WashU students a unique competition. Boeing is releasing patents with high-commercialization potential while students form multi-disciplinary teams to learn, understand, translate, illustrate and commercialize the patented technology. Each team must have representation from at least 3 of the schools at Wash U. Students at all levels are eligible to participate. Faculty and post-docs are welcome to act as advisers to student teams. $5000 in prizes to be awarded.

Boeing-2015-2cvyc7t-350x458PHASE 1: Teams translate the technical language of the patent into plain English and rich media

PHASE 2: Teams build a new venture concept around a valuable set of IP

The Skandalaris Center and PhantomWorks Ventures will provide practical entrepreneurial training and coaching throughout phase 1 and phase 2.

Learn more on the Skandalaris Center website or attend an information session – August 27, 28, & 31 at 5pm in Simon Hall 112