Tag: 4 buildngs. 1 Olin

If you think selfies are just for students, think again. Olin staff and administrators can’t resist the chance to pose with students and we’ve seen quite a few pop up during the past six weeks of the “4 Buildings. 1 Olin” Selfie Contest. Hanna Colin, BSBA’14, managed to get both Dean Gupta and Earl Banez from information services to pause in front of her smartphone (pictured above).

Paula Kim_BSBA 16Hanna’s photo and this solo-selfie by Paula Kim, BSBA’16, (at left), were selected randomly from 22 submissions in the last week of the contest.

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone for participating. We’ll be posting more of the selfies on digital signage and social media over the summer.

The contest was a fun way to celebrate the opening of Knight Hall and Bauer Hall and we hope you enjoyed it as much as the Marketing & Communications team did!

March Madness came to a close this week with a huge crowd in the Frick Forum to watch the final game of the NCAA basketball tournament. More than 650 people watched the game on the big screen and enjoyed the buffet. The next celebration of our “4 Buildings. 1 Olin.” will focus on activities around Earth Day.earthday

Last weekend we hosted 60 graduate and 48 undergraduate students who have been admitted to Olin, but haven’t decided yet if they will join us in the fall. They were an impressive group of students and evidence that we are continuing to attract top candidates. Thanks to all the current students, alumni, and faculty who helped welcome them. We look forward to the talents, enthusiasm, and energy they may bring to the classes of 2016 and 2018.

Dedication weekend, May 2 and 3, is only three weeks away! To honor the donors and officially dedicate Knight Hall and Bauer Hall, we will have a ribbon cutting ceremony at 4 p.m. on May 2, followed by a reception at 5 p.m.  On Saturday, we host a Business Symposium with an impressive list of CEOs and entrepreneurs to discuss the challenges that business faces in the 21st century. Many alumni and friends of the school will be here and I hope you will be able to join the festivities.
