Tag: vacation

It’s that time of year again: you’ve taken your holiday decorations down, you’re back at work after some much needed time off, and you’re preparing yourself and your house for the cold months ahead.

This year, I find myself gearing up for something new: my second semester in grad school. Having been off for the past four weeks, I’m a mixed bag of emotions:

  • Dread. As I’ve told my friends, I knew grad school was going to be a lot of work but it ended up being even more work than that. It’s with that knowledge that I’m going into this semester and I just want to curl up in a ball on my couch instead of holing up at Olin with study groups and homework assignments.
  • Restlessness. I’m a creature of habit and for 14 weeks, my routine included being regularly at Olin. In four weeks, I’ve travelled, I’ve been off work, and my routine has been thrown for a loop, so I’m chomping at the bit to get back at it.
  • Excitement. “Getting back at it” means that I’m that much closer to graduating and having an MBA degree under my belt. That makes me excited. I’m also thrilled to be reunited with my PMBA 38 peeps. While we’ve stayed in touch off and on during our break, it’s just not the same as sharing a drink during After Dark on Thursdays.

So, with that, here’s to a new year and the all the emotions it holds!

Image: Empty Seats, Benson Kua, Flickr Creative Commons

Here’s what you missed: record-breaking snowfall and sub-zero temperatures that shut down schools and businesses across St. Louis last week. The weather conditions were so bad that Wash U’s Danforth Campus closed last Monday – that’s only the second time in 25 years that campus has closed due to a winter storm.

The Simon Hall webcam captured the frigid landscape of Mudd Field looking north towards the Knight Center, Knight Hall and Bauer Hall.

How did you spend your semester break? Share your story in the comment section or tweet @WUSTLbusiness

Welcome back to school and have a great semester!