Tag: seasons

On the first day of Spring, it snowed. Two days later, I saw a bright red cardinal in a blooming Bradford pear tree. At least it wasn’t a partridge in a pear tree. But you never know in St. Louis. One day it’s grey and cold; the next day: grass has turned bright green, daffodils are suddenly a foot high, tulips aren’t far behind, and you can’t cross Mudd Field without dodging Frisbees spinning past at the speed of light. The canopy of snowy white pear blossoms that arch over the walk between the Knight Center and Law School is my favorite sign that a new season, fickle as it  may be, is upon us. Au revoir Winter, welcome Spring!

Read the entire poem, “Spring,” by Gerard Manley Hopkins here.

At the intersection of Snow Way & Throop Drive. Can you spot the cardinal in the Bradford pear blossoms?

At the intersection of Snow Way & Throop Drive. Can you spot the cardinal in the Bradford pear blossoms?