Tag: renovations

Experiments in the new organizational behavioral lab will not involve furry little creatures. Subjects will be a two-legged species that can be found in classrooms, libraries and dorms on campus. Yes, faculty and PhDs will study human students in this cool new lab with two-way mirrors, face recognition technology, and cameras every where. Joe Goodman, associate marketing professor gives us a tour of the new Taylor Lab and expanded Organizational Behavior Lab in the lower level of Simon Hall.

Located in the former BSBA program offices, the spacious new lab was completed this summer as part of Phase II of the Simon Hall renovations that began in the summer of 2014. Tarlton Corp., the St. Louis-based general contractor, responsible for the renovations and the construction of Knight Hall and Bauer Hall, published a news release about the Simon Hall project that stretched from May Auditorium to the Cupola. Link to news release

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Tarlton completes Washington University project

Image: The tears of the lab mouse, by Elizabeth, From The Mouse written and illustrated by Iliane Roels, Grosset & Dunlap,1969, Flickr Creative Commons.

From the top of the cupola tower to the lower level of Simon Hall, Tarlton construction teams have been busy renovating Simon Hall this summer. The transformation of the former Weston Career Center, BSBA program offices, and McWilliams Computer Lab on the lower level will be complete by mid-August. We got a preview – click on the video above. Six new classrooms, a new Taylor Lab for Marketing Research, and a new north side entrance to Simon with a stairway to the lower level are all part of the facelift.

Check back here in a couple of weeks to see the completion of Phase II of Simon Hall’s renovations.

Olin’s undergrad administrative staff is enjoying its new quarters on the first floor of Simon Hall. Check out the shiny new offices, new BSBA lounge, and renovations of the Piper Grand Hallway (formerly known as Flag Hallway), on this tour led by Dean Steve Malter.

May Auditorium has been getting a major facelift this summer. The steps and rows of seats will be on a more gradual incline and a new lounge area at the entrance to the Auditorium on the lower level of Simon Hall will accommodate visitors, receptions and networking events.

Demolition started the day after graduation in the eastern half of Simon Hall and construction workers have been hustling all summer long to complete renovations in time for the start of classes in August. See the transformation of May Auditorium in this video just weeks away from completion.

Thanks to the Tarlton team for letting us record this behind the scenes preview.
videographers: Emma Kane, AB’15, Marc Neimeyer, AB’14

As part of extensive renovations to Simon Hall  this summer, Kopolow Library has packed its books and moved! Staff and some resources are re-locating to Bauer Hall for the summer and will return to Simon Hall and a 40% larger library.

“It’s going to be dramatically different,” says Kopolow Library director Ron Allen. “When we reopen this August, the Business Library will be a larger, enhanced, more user-friendly space for our students and faculty. We’re really excited and eager for the fresh start looking ahead to this fall.”

Allen says he looks forward to welcoming users to a refreshed library space in Simon Hall in August, following renovations this summer. In the interim, many Kopolow resources and the library staff will remain accessible in a temporary home inside Bauer Hall (Room 250) between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Contact them at bschoolcirc@olin.wustl.edu or 314-935-6963.
Students will also find more seating—and more seating options—for both quiet and collaborative study, plus more places to plug in laptops and other devices. A laptop lending program will increase access to technology as well.

The Business Library’s book collections moved to the West Campus Library on Saturday, May 10, and will remain there until the library reopens in Simon Hall. While the West Campus stacks are not browsable, library users may still access Business Library materials by locating them in the online catalog and making a delivery request. Within a couple days of submitting such requests, users can pick the items up at the temporary library space in Bauer Hall or any Danforth Campus library (see map) of their choosing.To return Business Library materials this summer, users may simply drop them off at any Danforth Campus library or book-return bin.

The newly renovated library in Simon Hall is scheduled to reopen the week of August 18, with an official opening day to be announced later this summer. For more information about the Kopolow Business Library renovation, contact Sarah Laaker, manager of user space planning and campus liaison, at slaaker@wustl.edu.