Tag: Oscar

Dennis Weaver, MD, EMBA ’97, will become the chief clinical officer at Oscar Health Insurance Aug. 14, 2017. Oscar Health Insurance is a technology-focused health insurance company founded in 2012 and headquartered in New York City.

At Oscar, Weaver will oversee work with doctors and hospitals and help build tighter partnerships with health systems. Weaver earned a medical degree from the University of Iowa and trained as an obstetrician and gynecologist.

According to a Bloomberg report, Oscar, the startup health insurer, “has relied on narrow networks crafted in partnership with hospital groups to expand into new markets for Obamacare plans, saying they can help limit costs for members and provide better care. The company will sell Affordable Care Act plans in the Cleveland area for next year in a venture with the Cleveland Clinic, for example.”

Link to article on Bloomberg.