Tag: mortgage

At a time when evictions and mortgage defaults have been likened to an oncoming tsunami across America, a big-data study of loan-to-value ratios in the wake of the 2007-08 recession carries a cautionary forecast for vexing economic weather ahead:

The higher a worker’s outstanding mortgage relative to their home value, the worse their future income growth and job mobility.

Those were the key findings when four researchers, including two from Washington University in St. Louis’ Olin Business School, delved into the wage data and credit profiles encompassing 30 million Americans across 5,000 companies. They found a negative relationship between workers’ income and their home loan-to-value (LTV) ratio, especially when the home was underwater (higher principal owed than value).

For example, the scientists discovered that people with underwater mortgages earned $352 — or 5% — less monthly than workers with less mortgage debt relative to home values.

Compounded by credit and liquidity issues, these workers are virtually stuck, unable to move to a job with a better income or a new area, the researchers wrote in their study forthcoming in The Review of Financial Studies.

And it could well translate to the COVID-19 economic effects today.

Radha Gopalan

“The impact of the current crisis on local economies varies widely across the U.S.,” said Radhakrishnan Gopalan, professor of finance at Olin and study co-author. “Our study highlights the difficulties someone in a worse-affected area may face in trying to pack up and move to a less-affected region. Furthermore, our study also highlights an important cost of homeownership: For instance, buying a home will constrain your labor mobility, and in the long run that may adversely affect your labor income.”

“This is one of the first studies to tie detailed credit histories to information on worker mobility and pay increases,” added co-author Barton Hamilton, the Robert Brookings Smith Distinguished Professor of Economics, Management & Entrepreneurship and director of the Koch Center for Family Business at Washington University. “Prior work has analyzed these factors in isolation and has not made the connection between the two.”

Bart Hamilton
Bart Hamilton

Seeking ways to scrutinize the effect of home equity and labor income, in addition to the mechanisms intertwined, the researchers used Equifax information and Corelogic house-price indices to drill down to study a random sample of 300,000 workers with an active mortgage over a 72-month period earlier in this decade.

They measured home equity as LTV — the unpaid mortgage vs. the market value — on the workers’ primary residence. They additionally accounted for home-value increases/decreases using ZIP-code level price fluctuations and controlled for local economic conditions. Moreover, they contrasted the income path of homeowners versus renters who worked at the same firm, were of a similar age and job tenure, and held a similar level of income and non-mortgage debt.

What the data essentially showed: Homeowners facing high LTVs were less likely to change homes, but more likely to change jobs, if they could. And renters working at the same companies and with similar job tenure faced no such issues. Additionally, homeowners with high LTVs faced slower income growth while renters faced no such penalties.

It wasn’t as cut and dried as a rent-vs.-own debate, though. Income and mobility for homeowners could vary. A worker could face relatively smaller income declines or find greater employment opportunities if they lived in a metropolitan area with more jobs — for instance, an IT worker in San Francisco/Silicon Valley — or a state with softer non-compete laws limiting movement within an industry.

Housing prices and wages

Still, they found that declines in housing prices as a result of that 2007-08 recession suggested a 2.3% reduction in monthly wages economy-wide due to constrained mobility.

“If the adverse effects of the current pandemic on local economic conditions also spill over to house prices, then we will find ourselves with a number of underwater homeowners,” Gopalan said. “In that scenario, the effects we document will be very relevant.”

Gopalan and Hamilton were joined in the research by two former Olin PhDs, Ankit Kalda and David Sovich, who work at Indiana University and the University of Kentucky, respectively.

They wrote that a homeowner with an underwater mortgage were to face a new job offer in a different area, they were confronted with three (unappealing) prospects:

  1. Sell and swallow the shortfall — meaning they still must require some access to liquidity, despite being credit constrained.
  2. Retain the home and rent it out — meaning there will be no or negligible down payment on a new home in the new area.
  3. Walk away and default on the mortgage — meaning deeper credit issues.

In short, their mobility was as hampered as their current job situation, the co-authors said. A worker may not seek out better opportunities in the first place and, consequently, feel adverse effects on income because of an undermined bargaining power at the current workplace.

For the record, the median individual in their study group was 41 years old with an annual $41,015 salary; comparatively, the median person in the U.S. workforce overall in that time window was 41.9 with an annual $41,392 income, the co-authors wrote. The median loan: $192,400.

“Our study highlights an important cost of home ownership,” Gopalan said. “While the ‘American dream’ is usually defined in terms of building wealth through home ownership, the financial crisis has revealed a few glaring holes in this story. Our study formally quantifies one important cost of following the ‘American Dream.’ A relatively safe way to own a house is to make sure one has sufficient down payment or home equity so that even if house prices fall, one is not stuck with an underwater mortgage. To this extent, our study recommends caution in pushing mortgages with less down payment.”

Hamilton added: “Our study highlights that policies affecting financial markets can directly impact the labor market as well. Businesses also need to be aware of the indirect costs that credit markets and home ownership may impose on mobility and the optimal allocation of their workforces.”

If you are on Obamacare, you are likely a better tenant or homeowner.

Families who get health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are significantly more likely to make their rent and mortgage payments than are those who remain uninsured, suggests a new study from the Brown School and Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.

The finding is based on an analysis of administrative tax data from roughly 5,000 low- and moderate-income (LMI) tax filers living in one of the 18 states that did not expand Medicaid during the 2015 and 2016 tax seasons.

The study, “Home Delinquency Rates Are Lower Among ACA Marketplace Households: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” is published through the Brown School’s Center for Social Development.



“Our study highlights important, unintended welfare benefits from health insurance,” said co-author Radhakrishnan Gopalan, associate professor of finance at Olin. “Mortgage delinquencies can be very costly, not only for the household but also for the local community. These benefits should be kept in mind when drafting a law to replace the ACA.”

“Consistent with research on Medicaid expansions, our data signal that medical bills from an unexpected health event consume fewer of the resources of people with coverage,” said lead author Emily Gallagher, postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Social Development and at Olin.

“In turn, a higher level of liquid assets is associated with the lower rate at which households default on housing payments,” she added.

Surprisingly, Gallagher said, the researchers also found that the majority of uninsured LMI filers would qualify for Medicaid or subsidized coverage but do not receive it.

Across all states that didn’t expand Medicaid, there remain about 2.6 million adults in insurance limbo, commonly called “the coverage gap,” Gallagher said. These adults earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to be eligible for subsidized private insurance through Obamacare; subsidies which begin at incomes above 100 percent of the poverty line.

“Put together, our findings spotlight a substantial opportunity to improve the financial stability of LMI households through assisted enrollment in the ACA’s health insurance programs,” she said.

The project presents new evidence that, within just three years, expanded health insurance access for LMI populations through the ACA marketplaces likely reduced rent and mortgage hardship, “potentially lessening the prevalence of housing instability and the associated downstream outcomes documented by prior researchers,” Gallagher said.

Co-authors on the study are: Michal Grinstein-Weiss, professor at the Brown School, director of the Envolve Center for Health Behavior Change and associate director of the Center for Social Development; Stephen P. Roll, research assistant professor at the Center for Social Development; and Genevieve Davison, temporary program manager at the Center for Social Development; along with Gallagher and Gopalan.

Guest Blogger: Neil Schoenherr, WashU Public Affairs, originally published on The Source

FinLocker provides a secure financial data and analytics platform and works with mortgage lenders to reduce borrower frustrations and lender costs associated in getting a mortgage approved as fast as possible, while increasing certainty for investors. FinLocker accomplishes this by electronically capturing and analyzing borrower data such as employment, income, assets, credit, and other information. Consumers are able to share their financial information without worrying about that information being compromised. FinLocker provides greater certainty to lenders while reducing costs, risk, and potential fraud.

FinLocker has asked the CELect team to determine how it can leverage its technology to aid lenders in areas other than mortgages.

Our team is working with FinLocker to determine which area will provide the best opportunities and make the greatest impact for FinLocker, lenders, and investors. In order to accomplish this, our team will research different types of loans (student loans, auto loans, personal loans, rental, consolidated loans, small business loans, and peer-to-peer lending), and determine which is most attractive. Once we determine which type of loan is most attractive, our team will learn exactly how FinLocker can add value to lenders and investors for those loans.

finlockerOur team is thrilled for the opportunity to work with FinLocker and its experienced team. We are thankful for this real world experience through Washington University in St. Louis’ Center for Experiential Learning and are excited to be a part of FinLocker’s efforts to change the lending landscape.

CELect Team: Mike Manovich, Law; Cole West, BSBA; Tyler Combest, Law; David Allston, MBA