St. Louis Business Journal Editor Patricia Miller and KSDK’s morning host Pat McGonigle were seen tossing bags of nutty snacks around the WU Bookstore yesterday while taping a segment for the local St. Louis Today TV program. The topic for Miller’s weekly business segment was a local startup called What-a-Ya Nuts?. She reported the company discovered a niche market on college campuses thanks to some brilliant advice from Olin students. The segment airs during the Today show May 30. Read the STL Business Journal article.
When the founder the four-year-old St. Louis-based snack company spoke to an Intro to Entrepreneurship class taught by adjunct professor Andrew Sharon this past semester, the students suggested an astute marketing strategy to the nutty startup. They told Howie Sher, founder of What-a-Ya Nuts? he should sell his product on college campuses.
Sher took the advice seriously and has had great success with his four different flavored nut cluster snacks at Wash U and on other campuses.
What-a-Ya Nuts will be on sale on campus again this fall at the Paws & Go market on the South 40.