He’s been here for 42 years, so it’s hard to imagine Olin without him. But Jim Little says he’s retiring after a long career as professor of economics. Over 100 well-wishers turned out for a reception in Little’s honor at the Knight Center following a speech in which Little looked back and forward at the global economy. Former students, colleagues, Bob Virgil, and many others were among the attendees who toasted Little’s long career.
Colleagues, former students, and friends gathered in the Knight Center Dining Room to celebrate the career and retirement of Jim Little.
Little prefaced his speech with some fond and funny reminiscences. He told the audience, “I’ve been very lucky. I’ve benefited from outstanding leadership at both the University and the School. I’ve had wonderful colleagues who are really smart and dedicated to research and teaching. Perhaps, most of all, I’ve had wonderful students who I sometimes think taught me more than I taught them.”
Professor Little will be retiring from his role as the Donald Danforth, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Business. He joined the Washington University faculty in 1971 and served on the faculty of the Department of Economics until 1982, when he joined the faculty of the Olin School. From 1983-89, he served as associate dean for academic affairs. Professor Little also served as Academic Director of the Olin School’s EMBA Program and directed the School’s European Programs. While retiring from his full professorship, he will continue to serve as the Academic Director for Olin’s Executive MBA program in partnership with Fudan University in Shanghai.
Olin has established the “Jim Little Tribute Scholarship” to honor Professor Little’s legacy of educating students, and an Olin student will be awarded this scholarship next fall. To make a gift in support of this scholarship, please visit https://gifts.wustl.edu
Watch Little’s retirement presentation.