Journalist and author, Hanna Rosin, shared her research on gender shift in society and women’s rise in the workplace with BEE’s Spring cohort in the Women’s Leadership: Strategies for Success program in Washington, D.C.
Rosin spoke about the shift in women’s responsibilities in society in recent years and how that shift has affected workplaces and households.
Additionally, she discussed the trend of how men are no longer the dominant sex in American society. Rosin’s presentation was based on her 2012 book The End of Men: and the Rise of Women.
The book analyzes this unprecedented time in American history where women are out- performing their male counterparts in almost every possible field and discusses how the shift is rooted with the end of manufacturing and a changing skill set necessary for today’s job market. A market that is more favorable to the emotional intelligence skills that women have as well as education; women are earning advanced degrees at a higher rate than men for the first time in history.
Emotional intelligence is one of the key competencies covered in the Women’s Leadership series. With the changing social roles of men and women, it has become necessary to examine the trends in systemic shifts and what that means for society now and in the future.
Hanna Rosin signs her book for participants of the Women’s Leadership Spring cohort.
This new landscape, where women are no longer trailing behind men, has profound implications for everything ranging from marriage and children to the workplace.
Hanna Rosin is a co-founder of DoubleX, the women’s section of Slate online magazine as well as a senior editor for the Atlantic.