Tag: forte foundation

Women have been in mainstream business for 30 years, but still make up less than 16 percent of the corporate officers in America’s 500 largest companies. The Forte Foundation is dedicated to educating and encouraging women to pursue business careers and Olin has been a sponsor of the foundation for the past five years.

Sarah Miller, Director of MBA Student Affairs and Karen Heise, Associate Director, Business Development represented Olin at the recent Forte Foundation Women’s Leadership Conference in New York and received recognition, on behalf of the school, for Olin’s sponsorship.

Sarah and Karen are pictured above with Forte Executive Director, Elissa Ellis-Sangster (left).

To learn more about the Forte Foundation, check out their website.

Zoe Hillenmeyer, MBA’13, was honored by the Forte Foundation June 28 in New York City for her contributions to the Olin community to advance women into business leadership positions.

Zoe Hillenmeyer addressed the the Forte MBA Women’s Leadership Conference when she received the Edie Hunt award.

The Edie Hunt award, named in honor of Forte’s Board Chair Emeritus, was presented at Forte’s annual MBA Women’s Leadership Conference.

During her MBA program at Olin, Zoe Hillenmeyer re-invigorated and renamed the Olin Women in Business (OWIB) student organization.

She spearheaded several new events and opportunities for Olin students and alumnae to network and learn from each other.

The 2012-2013 OWIB Board.

Among the initiatives launched under Hillenmeyer’s leadership were the Women at the Table dinners; gender and diversity workshops; a speaker series featuring Olin alumnae in corporate leadership positions; and resume and career coaching for women.

Hillenmeyer orchestrated OWIB outreach to prospective MBA students that included hosting recruiting events and these efforts are credited, in part, for one of the largest increases in the number of women enrolled in Olin’s MBA program last year.

Edie Hunt is Forté’s Board Chair Emeritus and a Managing Director at Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Congratulations, Zoe, on a well-deserved honor and recognition from the ForteFoundation!

If you are a woman pursuing an MBA, thinking about business school or already an alumna out in the world, the Forté Foundation has a program for you.

Olin Women in Business members have been working with the foundation on new initiatives to recruit more women to business schools among other gender friendly projects.

Leigh Hunt, MBA’13, is a Forté Fellow and has been posting on their blog about her first semester at Olin.  Be sure you’re sitting down when you read about a day in the life of this busy MBA – it’s exhausting, but exhilarating!