Tag: Family Act

More than 200 business school professors sent a letter to Congress this month urging members to pass the Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act – legislation that would create a national paid family and medical leave insurance program. The professors cite research showing the benefits of paid leave for workers and businesses and conclude that the FAMILY Act offers a smart, affordable way to establish a national standard. the media picked up the story. Prof. Andrew Knight was the only signatory from Olin.

The letter appears on the Wharton Work/Life Integration website

Read news release from the National Partnership for Women & Families

A sampling of the press coverage:
·         Washington Post: Business school professors give national paid leave policy a top grade (quotes a number of letter-signers; adapted also in the Los Angeles Times and the Bayou Buzz)
·         Bloomberg: Business School Professors Push for National Paid Family and Sick Leave Legislation
·         Mashable: Parents (and everyone) should get paid leave from work, say 200 business professors
·         Huffington Post Business: Business Lobby Might Be Last To Realize Paid Leave Law Makes Sense
·         The Hill: Professors Press Congress on Paid Leave
·         CNN Money: Business School Professors to Congress: It’s Time for Paid Family Leave (syndicated in 40 or so outlets across the country)
·         Harvard Business Review: Why Paid Leave Matters for the Future of Business (Professor Friedman’s opinion piece – shared on President Obama’s Facebook page late Friday afternoon!)
·         Huffington Post: Business School Professors for Paid Family Leave (Professor Behson’s opinion piece)