Walk. Run. Bike. Carpool. WashU’s Office of Sustainability is daring you or your team to rethink how you get around town and participate in its Active Transportation Challenge.
Active Transportation Month Kickoff
11a-2p, Danforth’s Edison Courtyard
Participants will receive a free T-shirt and an invitation to the awards ceremony lunch; teams may win prizes and trophies. The kickoff is from 11am-2pm April 1 at Danforth’s Edison Courtyard. Email sustainability coordinator Jen Carter with any questions.
Please visit Trailnet’s http://ShiftYourCommute.com to sign-up as a team and log your commutes during the Active Transportation Challenge. This semester’s Challenge starts Monday, April 4, and ends Friday, April 29. We encourage you to track your mileage on the Shift Your Commute site daily so we can include your totals in weekly standing reports. We will share standings so teams can see their progress and set goals accordingly!
Also, please join us at the following events:
4/1: ATM kick-off at Danforth’s Edison Courtyard, 11a-2p
4/3: Bicycle Ride to Forest Park, 12-3p
4/4 & 4/13: Free bike tune-ups by Big Shark Bicycle Company at North side of Danforth University Center, 11a-2p*
4/6 & 4/11: Free bike tune-ups by Big Shark Bicycle Company at School of Medicine’s Hope Plaza, 11a-2p
4/15: Breakfast for Bikers at Kaldi’s on DeMun, 7-9a
4/19: Tuesday Tea, Tisch Commons in Danforth University Center, 3-5p
4/23: Bicycle Ride to Tower Grove Park, 10:30a-1:30p
5/4: Closing Ceremony, 11:30a-1p
*Bikes must be registered to receive a tune-up on the Danforth campus. Registration will be available on-site.