Tag: auditor award

Alumni in the news

Tianye (Tina) Zhang, MACC ’14, has received the Dr. Glenn Sumners Student Medal Award for achieving the third highest overall score on the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) examination in 2016. In addition to the honor, the Institute of Internal Auditors has invited Tina to attend (all expenses paid), their international conference in Sydney, Australia in July where she will receive her award in person.

Tianye (Tina) Zhang, MACC '14,

Tianye (Tina) Zhang, MACC ’14

The Dr. Glenn Sumners Student Medal is one of the highest of the prestigious awards for outstanding CIA examination performance.

The Student award is named in honor of Dr. Glenn Sumners who has worked tirelessly for more than 25 years with students at Louisiana State University in the US to promote the CIA program and foster future leaders of the profession.

Consideration for the Sumners award is based on a candidate’s performance on the core parts of the CIA exam (Parts I, II, and III).

Congratulations, Tina!!