Tag: ADA

Ability Exhibit promotion

I am happy to announce that the Olin Diversity & Inclusion Committee has arranged for Olin to host the “Allies For Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit” on April 6-8, in the 3rd floor Atrium of Bauer Hall.

allies4inclusionlogo2Allies for Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit is a traveling exhibit designed to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities through respect for others, comfort during interactions, and awareness of disability issues. Using a multi-media approach to demonstrate respect, comfort and awareness, the exhibit offers suggestions for becoming disability allies and educators.

In addition to the exhibit, there will be a related workshop where participants will receive an opportunity to engage in discussion and reflection.  Reservations for the workshop, which will be held on Thursday, April 7, 12 noon – 2pm, may be made by sending an email to olin-diversity-inclusion@email.wustl.edu.  Lunch will be provided to workshop participants. The deadline for reservations is April 6.

I hope that you will take time during your day to interact with the exhibit and to participate in the workshop as your schedule permits.


Allies for Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit™  was created by Saint Louis University (SLU) graduate students in the Disability in Higher Education and Society course under the direction of their instructor, Karen Myers, PhD. “I was so inspired by [graduate student] Anne Marie Carroll’s initiative that I formed a team of students to take her idea to the next level,” said Myers. Evolving from a class project into a sophisticated exhibit, Allies for Inclusion: The Ability Exhibit debuted at SLU on October 27, 2010.