Wanted: teams for Boeing challenge

Boeing PhantomWorks Ventures has partnered with the Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and Entrepreneurship to bring WashU students a unique competition. Boeing is releasing patents with high-commercialization potential while students form multi-disciplinary teams to learn, understand, translate, illustrate and commercialize the patented technology. Each team must have representation from at least 3 of the schools at Wash U. Students at all levels are eligible to participate. Faculty and post-docs are welcome to act as advisers to student teams. $5000 in prizes to be awarded.

Boeing-2015-2cvyc7t-350x458PHASE 1: Teams translate the technical language of the patent into plain English and rich media

PHASE 2: Teams build a new venture concept around a valuable set of IP

The Skandalaris Center and PhantomWorks Ventures will provide practical entrepreneurial training and coaching throughout phase 1 and phase 2.

Learn more on the Skandalaris Center website or attend an information session – August 27, 28, & 31 at 5pm in Simon Hall 112

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