seashells on the beach
Summer internships with St. Louis startups

Forget about selling sea shells at the sea shore this summer! Apply now for a summer internship with a St. Louis startup and a stipend!

Students interested in hands-on entrepreneurial experience can meet and greet founders of startup ventures who are looking for summer interns at upcoming events sponsored by the Skandalaris Center for Entpreneurial Studies Feb. 7 and 8.

Companies and students must apply by Feb. 1 to be invited to the Ideabounce events in February where ventures will give brief presentations followed by networking with internship applicants.  The Skandalaris Center will fund 25 summer internships at startup ventures. Student stipends are $5,000.

Other opportunites with growth companies, and companies in San Francisco are also available with stipends funded by the individual ventures

For more details on the Skandalaris Summer Internship program and application forms click here.

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