Name: Molly Sonderman
Role: Global Outreach and Business Development Specialist, Employer Relations in Olin’s Weston Career Center.
I’ve been with the WCC for 7 months.
Before coming to the Olin Business School and the WCC, I worked for Deloitte Consulting in their Human Capital division.
I am responsible for global employer relations. I commonly work with international employers and try to create opportunities for our students interested in working abroad. I also partner with domestic employers in an effort to create opportunities for our international students who are interested in working in the United States.
Best piece of career advice I ever received from someone: Don’t be afraid to course correct. You have a responsibility to yourself to pursue something that makes you happy. You will be more creative and do a better job if you find fulfillment in your work.
Where you will find me in St. Louis for fun and recreation: Exploring the city parks with my puppy and trying out new restaurants with my husband.