Rebecca (Becky) Kernodle, BSBA & MACC’14, is one of the 60 winners of the National Elijah Watt Sells Award for 2014. This is the second time in the 92-year history of the Sells Awards, and the second consecutive year, that one of our graduates has been a Sells Award winner. Bridget Han, MACC’13, was one of the winners in 2013.

The Award is presented to CPA exam candidates who have obtained an average score of 95.50 or better on all four sections, who passed all four parts on their first attempt, and who completed the exam in 2014. Over 91,000 individuals took the exam in 2014.

Becky’s average score was 96.25 on the four sections. Her grades were 99 on Audit, 97 on Financial Accounting and Reporting, 96 on Business and Economic Concepts, and 93 on Regulation (Tax, Business Law, and Ethics). Becky is with PricewaterhouseCoopers in Denver.

Congratulations, Becky!!

Image: vintage adding machine, Kristin Breneman, Creative Commons, Flickr