Tag: IIT

In April, the partnership between Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management (SJMSOM) at the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay and Washington University in St. Louis will officially launch its Executive MBA program, the only one in the world to confer a degree from both an Indian and an American university.

In preparation for the launch, Kurt Dirks, Bank of America Professor of Leadership and Olin Business School Senior Associate Dean of Programs, and Angie Bauman, Director of Admissions Operations traveled to India to engage with prospective students, conduct interviews and continue preparations for the inaugural cohort.

In addition, Professor Dirks, hosted an interactive and engaging seminar titled “Trust: A Leader’s Key to Success” on the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay campus.

FullSizeRenderThirty guests, including  corporate friends, SJMSOM faculty and Executive MBA candidates joined the hour-long sessions where they walked away with several key takeaways from Professor Dirks’ research, including:

  • Trust plays a pivotal role in a leader’s success
  • Three elements of trust are competence, character and caring
  • You can develop trust in a leader through behavior and orientatio
  • You can develop a culture of trust through leader behavior and structural factors
  • And, your orientation is pivotal – trust is a self-fulfilling prophecy

Following the presentation of his research, the audience engaged in an active Q&A session, which generated excitement for the soon to launch EMBA program. Over the next several months, key leaders from the Olin team, including Dean Mahendra Gupta and Professor Stuart Bunderson, will visit Mumbai to finalize preparation and continue the interview process.

Classes in Mumbai begin with orientation residency on April 22, 2015.