Tag: federal employee

Robin Wink

Poor job performance and how to deal with it was the topic last month at a an alumni event for the Brookings Executive Education (BEE) program in Washington, D.C.  Alumni representing more than 22 agencies attended the timely talk on “Managing the Performance and Discipline Process” presented by attorney and BEE instructor, Robin Wink (pictured).

Dealing with employee conduct and performance issues continues to be one of the most challenging aspects of supervision in the federal system.  As agencies face continued budget cuts, pay and position freezes, and possible furloughs, resolving poor performance issues has never been more important.

BEE Managing the Federal Employee

Robin Wink, our long-time instructor of our two-day seminar Managing the Federal Employee: Discipline and Performance Processexplained how employee counseling sessions can improve employee conduct and performance, and how they can serve as a foundation for progressive discipline in the federal personnel system when employee performance fails to improve.

Follow-up commentary from attendees included:

  • “This was the first such event that I attended and found it to be extremely useful.”
  • “The session was awesome. I now plan to attend the full session if I can get training support. Lots of questions answered and specific issues clarified in just that short time.”
  • “This was a fantastic opportunity to remind alumni of the fantastic courses/quality of presenters that Brookings offers.”

Robin Wink is an award-winning lawyer from the Washington, D.C. area and a former federal employee herself, with 26 years of service in the U.S. Air Force and multiple civilian agencies.

Brookings Executive Education regularly hosts short seminars for alumni.

The next event will be held on August, 14 2013 on Enterprise Leadership.

For more information contact Alexis Roehrich.