EMBA 45 students in China
EMBA 45 wraps up week in China

Above: EMBA 45 students Jen Barton, Jared Hoover,  and Carson Pollastro watch as Logan Jones and Patrick Smith touch frozen, compressed CO2 harvested from the carbon capture process. 

EMBA students at power plant in China

EMBA 45 students Doug Fluchel and Carson Pollastro in the Shidongkou No. 2 Power Plant turpine room. Photo: Cory Barron

EMBA 45 explored fish markets, tea shops, power plants, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading floor during the group’s field study day in China. Eight teams fanned out around Shanghai with the assignment to visit three assigned markets, comparing and contrasting products, packaging, marketing, and store concepts.

Twelve 45s who work in the energy sector enjoyed a special tour of the Shindongkou No. 2 Power Plant north of Shanghai. This plant has a super-efficient carbon capture technology that was of high interest to the EMBAs.

On Saturday morning the teams presented their findings. Then, Lee Konczak led a discussion centered on the EMBAs impressions of business in China. After the morning session, everyone went shopping.

Guest blogger: Cory Barron, Student Services Manager, EMBA team

In Global, Student Life
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