Inside influencer marketing

We were lucky to have been selected by the CEL and Professor Holekamp to work as consultants for Swizzle, a new player in the influencer marketing industry. Swizzle hails from South Korea and has recently taken up residence in St. Louis at the T-Rex coworking space and technology incubator downtown. Our team has been working with Chief Operations Officer Nick Szabo to help Swizzle develop its brand reputation.

Our team of four includes one J.D. candidate student, one dual-degree student earning his MBA and J.D., one first-year MBA student, and one second-year MBA student.

T-REX_HeaderOur team has thus far found the opportunity to be both creative and challenging. Ironically, our team is consulting for a company in the influencer marketing field, yet we are tasked with understanding the role of influencer marketing and public relations in the industry in which Swizzle competes. Essentially, we are undertaking a meta-analysis of influencer marketing.

Swizzle logo2Up to this point, we have spent a significant amount of time researching influencer marketing and trying to help Swizzle determine the appropriate industry and segment for its business to compete in as well as developing strategies for Swizzle to establish itself as the industry and segment leader.

We plan to conduct cost-benefit analyses of the various opportunities Swizzle has to establish itself as the leader in its industry and segment with the goal of enabling Swizzle to build its brand reputation and position itself for success when it goes to market.

We look forward to learning more about influencer marketing and developing valuable, practical strategies for Swizzle to build its brand reputation and position itself as the premiere business in its industry.

Submitted by team members: Courtney Callegari, Alexander Endo, Andrew Geha, and Daniel Renteria

Image: id iom, A little bird told me Fortune was this way? Flickr, Creative Commons

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