Saturday PMBA begins

Too busy to take evening Professional MBA classes during the week? Now, there’s another option: the new Saturday PMBA program. “The Saturday format is the perfect fit for professionals whose travel schedule or location prohibits attending the evening program during the week,” says Joe Fox, associate dean and director of Graduate Programs at Olin Business School. “Saturday classes offer new options and flexibility for all PMBAs to earn the degree in less time.”


  • Classes will be held in Knight Hall and Bauer Hall from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a working lunch on campus. Students will complete core courses in four consecutive semesters. Upon completion of the core, Saturday students will have access to elective classes offered in the evening PMBA program.
  • Saturday program candidates could potentially complete the program in as little as two years by taking a combination of evening and weekend classes.
  • Saturday classes will begin in January 2016; applications are available on Olin’s website.

For more information, contact Andrew Toussaint, associate director of graduate admissions, at

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