Managing the SMP boom

“One of the major questions facing graduate business school directors today is how to deal with the growth of specialized masters programs (SMPs) over the past five to eight years,” says Joe Fox, associate dean and director of Olin’s MBA program. While adding specialized master degree programs such as Master of Supply Chain, Global Master of Finance, and Master of Consumer Analytics is a response to market demands, business schools must find curriculum and staff efficiencies in order to meet the needs of new programs.

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Fox is currently the president of the MBA Roundtable, a global association of business schools whose mission is to advance graduate management education through MBA curricular and program innovation.

In the video (click above), Fox discusses results of a survey conducted by the MBA Roundtable  on questions related to curriculum and governance in light of the growth spurt in specialized master programs.

The purpose of the “Study on Shared Curriculum and Governance” was to better understand the extent to which MBA core courses are the same or different in other MBA and MS offerings within the business school portfolio and the level at which curricular decisions are made in the school.

The survey was conducted in Fall 2014 with 219 respondent business schools from North America, Europe and Asia.

Image: Olin SMP graduates Dec. 2014

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