Supply Chain research ranks in top 25

Research published by Olin faculty in the area of supply chain management is ranked #24 worldwide in the annual ranking published by The SCM Journal ListTM. The ranking is based on output in the leading supply chain management journals that are primarily analytically-focused including: Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research, and Production and Operations Management. Each year’s ranking is based on the research published in these journals during the prior five years.

In congratulating members of the Operations & Manufacturing Management (OMM) faculty on their prolific and high quality publications in top journals, Todd Milbourn, Vice Dean and Moog Professor of Finance, said, “Keep in mind that our faculty is smaller than many of the schools in this ranking, and some of the supply chain management research in these journals comes from engineering schools. The competition is stiff and Olin should be proud of this recognition of our excellent output in this field.”

Milbourn also pointed out that if the ranking were limited to purely OMM focused journals such as Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management, Olin would be ranked #10 rather consistently over the years.

Operations and Manufacturing Management faculty:
Sergio Chayet | Kaitlin Daniels | Lingxiu Dong | Amr Farahat | Jake Feldman | Panos Kouvelis | Iva Rashkova | Danko Turcic | Dennis Zhang | Fuqiang Zhang

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One Response to "Supply Chain research ranks in top 25"

  1. avatar Dean Meyer

    I am proud to have been educated by and engaged in personal growth through members of the OMM faculty. OMM stands out to me as one of the most challenging aspects for a firm to deliver value to the marketplace and its shareholders. I have been indelibly advanced by my time with these fine faculty members.

    Bravo OMM!