If you would like to contribute to the next Wash U Military Care Package mailing, please drop off your donations by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 26. We will be packing boxes on Friday, April 28, 1:30 p.m. in the North Campus dining area. Please let me know if you would like to join in the fun!
Drop off locations:
Knight Hall, Suite 310
Lopata Hall, Room 303
Med School – Clayton/Taylor Building, 4480 Clayton, 2nd Floor
North Brookings, Room 155
North Campus, Financial Services second floor kitchen area
South 40, South 40 House Annex, Room 1040
West Campus, 11 North Jackson
Our last mailing was a huge success which meant huge postage costs (over $1200!). Currently we have $198 left in the postage fund so donations toward postage would be much appreciated. Please make checks payable to Washington University. Donations toward the Military Care Package project are not tax deductible. Sorry!
I received one response regarding special requests. “… hand soap that smells nice would be much appreciated. We ladies usually put our own in the bathroom here to replace the industrial stuff they provide 😉 Anything you all send, especially different flavors of things, will be very much appreciated!”
Suggested items (Please remember no aerosol or glass)
Baked goods
Air freshener (type you hang from review mirror) (no aerosol or liquid)
Anti-bacterial items
Baby wipes
Beef Slim Jims
Breakfast bars, granola bars
Coffee Corn nuts
DVD’s (new or slightly used)
Dried fruit
Energy mixes
Hand sanitizer
Home-baked goods (please put your name on packages)
Hygiene products – male and female
Individually wrapped snacks
Lip balm/Chap stick
Liquid bath soap (please no bars – the sand sticks to the bars)
Microwave popcorn
Non-digital table games
Power bars, Protein Bars, Nutritional Bars
Single serve – pre-sweetened drink mixes (Gatorade, Crystal Light, Wylers, etc.)
Tooth paste
Trail mix (individual size servings)
Sudoku/crossword puzzle books
Funds for postage are always welcome
Guest Blogger: Jill Edwards