Magazine names Rishe among Show-Me State’s leaders
Patrick RIshe


Olin’s own Patrick Rishe is featured in the January issue of Ingram’s Magazine as one of “50 Missourians You Should Know.” Rishe is the Director of the Sports Business Program and Senior Lecturer of Management.

Here’s an excerpt from Ingram’s profile of Dr. Pat as he is known on social media:

“His family instilled a passion for sports back in his hometown of Potsdam, N.Y., and mentors at his alma mater, UNC-Charlotte, “opened my eyes to how I could apply my passion for sports in both an academic and business setting,” says Patrick Rishe. Today, this sports economist is a professor in Washington University’s Olin School of Business, an author, and a nationally-regarded authority on all aspects of the intersection between sports and money.”

Link to the entire story here.

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