Alumni in the news
First job: NYC branding agency

Branding yourself can be a useful tool for getting a first job. Olin alumna Casey Hochberg tells the Huffington Post blog how her self-branding helped her land a job at a New York-based creative agency that specializes in national and global brand development.

“It’s tough enough to be a 24-year old woman at a high-power boutique NYC branding agency, but BrandFire is even tougher, since the personalities are very alpha. The culture here is sink or swim so it was really about jumping into the deep end and swimming with these sharks. Apparently, according to them I have teeth of my own, so I think I’m doing okay (smile), but in all seriousness you really have to connect with your coworkers and learn their culture.”

Casey majored in Marketing and Communication Design at Olin, Class of 2014.

Link to Huffington Post blog.


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