Women win big at Wake Forest competition

Team Olin took second place at the prestigious Wake Forest Marketing Analytics Summit on April 11-12 in Winston-Salem, NC. The six-woman MBA team brought home an $8,000 prize and was one of only two teams to advance to the main stage for the distinct privilege of presenting in front of an audience of nearly 1,000 attendees.

Wake Forest teamOlin’s team of first year MBA students included Cheyenne Martins, Lola Idowu, Vera Carter, Samantha Feng, Satya Narayanan and Grace Velker. The competition was part of the 26th annual Marketing Analytics Summit held at the Wake Forest University School of Business held in conjunction with the Inmar Analytics Forum, a symposium featuring executives and thought leaders from multiple industries.

Other competing schools included Brigham Young University Marriott School of Management, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Business School, Michigan State University Broad Graduate School of Management, Penn State University Smeal College of Business, University of Rochester Simon Business School, University of Missouri-Kansas City Henry W. Bloch School of Management and Wake Forest University School of Business. In total there were six undergraduate and eight graduate teams competing to offer innovative ideas to solve real-world business challenges posed by presenting sponsor Inmar.

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