Dean search committee formed

Provost Holden Thorp has appointed a nine-member committee to identify candidates for the position of dean of the Olin Business School at Washington University in St. Louis.

Mahendra R. Gupta, dean and the Geraldine J. and Robert L. Virgil Professor of Accounting and Management at Olin Business School, announced this month that he will conclude his deanship at the end of the academic year, June 30, 2016.

Gupta, who has served as dean since 2005 and on the Olin faculty since 1990, will remain at Olin as a member of the accounting faculty and continue his research.

Ralph S. Quatrano, the Spencer T. Olin Professor of Biology in Arts & Sciences, will chair the Olin School dean search.

Thorp and the committee will work to have a new dean in place by July 1, 2016.

In addition to Quatrano, the committee members, who are all affiliated with Olin, are:

  • Nicholas S. Argyres, the Vernon W. and Marion K. Piper Professor of Strategy;
  • Michelle M. Duguid, associate professor of organizational behavior;
  • Daniel Henry, first-year student in the MBA program;
  • Clifford Holekamp (MBA ’01), senior lecturer in entrepreneurship and director of the Entrepreneurship Platform;
  • Jessica J. Landzberg, junior in the Olin School;
  • Robyn LeBoeuf, associate professor of marketing;
  • James O’Donnell (BSBA ’74, MBA ’74), member of the university Board of Trustees and of Olin’s National Council; and
  • Anjan Thakor, the John E. Simon Professor of Finance and director of doctoral programs and the Wells Fargo Advisors Center for Finance and Accounting Research.

–  Story from the WUSTL Newsroom

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