Star Wars binge not cheap

If you want to watch all the Star Wars movies prior to the opening of “The Force Awakens” Friday, Dec. 18, you won’t find them on Netflix, Hulu or other streaming services. You will have to shell out some serious cash to binge on the galaxy far, far away. Olin’s Raphael Thomadsen, associate professor of marketing, tells NBC News:

google-star-wars-campaign-0“Right now even casual fans are willing to pay more,” Raphael Thomadsen, a marketing professor at Washington University in St. Louis, told NBC News.

“On Amazon, you can buy the digital version of each film for $19.99 a piece, or buy all six films in “Star Wars: The Digital Movie Collection” for $89.99. The same deal is available over at Google Play, iTunes and the Microsoft Store. The movie bundle is slightly more expensive in the PlayStation Store ($99.99).”

Link to article on NBC website.




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