You might have noticed some new faces along the walls of Knight Hall and Bauer Hall the past few weeks. Portraits of generous donors whose names grace our buildings, classrooms, and meeting spaces have been hung to honor their commitment to Olin and the University.
These are people who care deeply about educating smart and innovative business leaders. We’ve etched their words of advice and their hopes for our mission in stone.
Take a moment to read these words and the bios of these great benefactors.
We are all beneficiaries of their foresight, hard work, and determination that future generations will have these halls and classrooms to carry on our tradition of excellence in business education.
Landscapers, stonemasons, carpenters, and many other workers have been busy putting the finishing touches on Knight Hall and Bauer Hall in preparation for our Dedication weekend festivities.
Learn more about the art of etching names and words of wisdom in stone in this video: