Know your compatibility quotient

In today’s highly competitive job market, job seekers are looking for ways to differentiate themselves from the large stack of resumes on a hiring manager’s desk.  One sure way is to know how well you fit the desired candidate profile? Even before you apply for a job, you should know how to emphasize your compatibility for the position.

How?  By really reading and dissecting the job description.  Be sure to address in all your communication – resume, cover letter and interview – how well you fit based on the needs of the company; addressing specific skills the company seeks and desires.

Demonstrating a thorough knowledge of the company, your passion and inspiration for the position will focus the recruiter on your fit for the job.  It will provide the recruiter a more complete picture of how well you will help the organization. Never hesitate to be passionate about an opportunity, especially when you have a strong compatibility quotient.

Photo credit: Still Life with Resumes by DresdenPlaid, Flickr Creative Commons

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