Welcome Back Colonel Angevine!
Colonel John E. Angevine U.S. Army (Retired) has returned to Brookings. A former Federal Executive Fellow while on active duty with the Army, John has “retired” to join BEE as our Executive Fellow for Veterans Affairs.
Read Colonel Angevine’s full biography »
John brings to BEE a variety of experience in senior military leadership in the active duty Army as a Senior Army Aviator, battalion commander, Joint Specialty Officer, and Strategic Intelligence Officer, as well as joint duty assignments with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Defense Intelligence Agency, among others. His operational military assignments include: Operations HURRICANE ANDREW, PROVIDE COMFORT, IRAQI FREEDOM, and ENDURING FREEDOM.
As described in the following commentary, John seeks to continue his service to our country at BEE by helping veterans maximize their benefits and parlay their military leadership skills to the civilian world.
As part of Brookings Institution’s and Washington University in St. Louis’ continued commitment to veterans and military service members, I am honored to join Brookings Executive Education (BEE) as an executive fellow for Veterans Affairs. I seek to deliver decisive advantages to veterans in government, transitioning military, and Active Duty military, creating and delivering innovative executive leadership education that prepares our warriors for senior service in either government or corporate America.
Prior to joining Brookings, I worked in private industry, government agencies, and the U.S. Army with more than 32 years of leadership experience, setting and implementing visions that postured commercial and defense sectors for success with innovative solutions.
The BEE team and I look forward to preparing our veterans and service members to capitalize on their wealth of leadership experiences through comprehensive education for continued service in government and corporate America in their quest for leadership excellence. We strive to create a veterans and military friendly environment for you to earn your Master of Science in Leadership.
Please feel free to contact me for more information on our Veterans Affairs research and education programs by e-mail: jangevine@brookings.edu or telephone: 202.238.3172.