Team Olin advances to CFA regionals

Five Olin graduate students competed against six St. Louis area universities and won the local round of the CFA Institute Research Challenge. The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual global competition that provides university students with hands-on mentoring and intensive training in financial analysis.

Team Olin pictured above: left to right: Benjamin Bray, MSF; Mary Bond, MBA; Professor Charles Cuny, faculty mentor; Shibasish Das, MBA; John Zhang, MBA; Eli Lustgarten, industry mentor; Rupeng Zhuo, MBA.

Each team is responsible for producing  a written report on their assigned stock with a buy, sell, or hold recommendation and may be asked to present and defend their thesis to a panel of industry veterans. Teams have the opportunity to research a publicly traded company. The Olin team researched Emerson Electric and analyzed the company’s publicly traded stock.

The Olin team will advance to the Americas regional competition held in Denver, Colorado on March 18-19.   The team will provide their recommendation alongside 49 other teams from across North and South America. The winner of the Americas regional competes in Singapore at the Global Final. Go Olin!

For more information on the CFA Institute Research Challenge click here.


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