Wharton PhD wins Greenbaum award

PhD students from around the country were invited to the 10th annual Corporate Finance Conference to share their research in a special poster session to compete for the Best Finance PhD Dissertation Award in Honor of Professor Stuart I. Greenbaum.

Finalists gave a short presentation of their job-market paper with the aid of a poster to the conference participants on November 1, 2013.  The winner was selected by conference participants.

poster session winnerThe award honors Professor Stuart I. Greenbaum, former Dean and Bank of America Emeritus Professor, and the founding editor of the Journal of Financial Intermediation.

William Mann of the University of Pennsylvania was chosen for his paper on “Creditor Rights and Innovation: Evidence from Patent Collateral” and will be awarded $2,500 generously provided by Olin Business School and the WFA-CFAR.

Congratulations to William Mann and all of the finalists!

Learn more about the conference in this video.

Main photo: left to right: Stuart Greenbaum, William Mann, and Prof. Anjan Thakor

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