As first year MBA students at Olin, my classmates and I are forging the relationships that will form the foundation for our professional networks. We are meeting each other, second years, professors, and professionals in the community.
Another exciting opportunity that we can take advantage of is the Industry Insider Mentor Program. In this program, students are matched with Olin Alumni mentors in order to complement the curriculum with industry exposure.
Second years who participated last year were assigned mentors who offered valuable insights. Niki McKinney, who is targeting brand management positions in CPG firms says of her mentor who works in marketing at Nestle Purina, “I absolutely loved getting to know my mentor last year. He was a great asset for me to get to know my target industry, job function, and local opportunities. We still keep in touch now that I am a 2nd year, and he has been instrumental in connecting me with folks at Purina and elsewhere. I’m excited to continue learning from his experiences throughout my professional career!”
Other second years developed relationships with alums in diverse geographies, industries, and functions, such as private equity or procurement in the energy industry. Anton Gimmel says his mentor helped him “cut through the opacity of breaking into private equity”.
Mihika Baruah, who worked with the Director of Procurement for a natural gas company, sets a great example of how the student drives the relationship through consistent, professional communication: ” I connected with my mentor before my summer internship and received some valuable advice from her.”
To apply, follow the link in Susan Evans’ email and send her a copy of your resume at
Take advantage of this great opportunity by October 11, 2013!
Lauren Colling, MHA/MBA ’08(pictured above), and her husband Arik Frankel, MBA ’08, are enthusiastic members of the Olin Industry Insider Mentoring Program. Both credit the mentors they’ve had for important career guidance and for inspiring them to become mentors in this video: