CPA exam scores on the rise

Guest Post by David Pearson, Adjunct Professor of Accounting

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy ( NASBA), has released its annual statistical report on the CPA examination.

In 2012, Wash U graduates who took the exam for the first time had the tenth highest passing rate (82.6%) among the 781 schools with 10 or more candidates, up from eleventh in 2011 (77.1%).

NASBA divides the schools into three categories (large, medium, and small) depending upon the number of first-time candidates from the school. We are in the medium category (21 to 60 first-time candidates). We placed second in that category in 2012 (Vanderbilt was first), up from third in 2011 behind Wharton and Vanderbilt.

Our passing percentages by section for new and repeat candidates combined are:

Business Environment and Concepts (BEC)         86.7%

Auditing                                                                        80.6

Financial Accounting and Reporting                     80.0

Regulation (ethics, business law, and tax)            65.9

If you would like further information, please let me know at

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