It was one big happy family when Executive MBA students took time after their classes to participate in an exercise to prep the MBA Class of 2018 for upcoming recruiter interviews. The purpose of the event was to give the first-year MBA students a chance to practice their 30-second elevator pitches and receive honest feedback in a nonthreatening environment. The EMBAs played the role of recruiters. It was a rehearsal, workout, and networking experience all in one event.
MBA students are honing their personal pitch and networking skills for the upcoming Meet the Firms event on September 14. Dozens of recruiters will be here to meet as many students as possible and it’s important to introduce yourself in a very short amount of time. It will be the first of two Meet the Firms events this semester, the second is Sept. 20.
Prof. Jackson Nickerson shared his communication expertise with the students before the speed-networking exercise began. The exercise is part of the MBA core class CRITICOM which is a key element to the greater Communication@Olin program.