Most of us have been on some sort of team throughout our lives. Whether it be sports-related or not, the sense of camaraderie associated with being on a team is an inexplicable feeling. For most, it’s a feeling that has positive emotions.
As I interviewed the GMS teams who traveled to Cuba, Colombia, and Japan over spring break, a common answer to the question “What will you remember 10 years from now as you look back on your GMS experience?” was “the people I traveled with.”
It’s an interesting thought. As people, we remember the way people make us feel. We remember stories, and often it is the feelings and emotions of engaging with people that are the most vivid.
In coming to Olin Business School, we once again are parts of teams. We learn in the classroom how to effectively communicate, negotiate, handle power and politics in the workplace, and lead teams. And, of course, these lessons will serve us well. But the GMS trip is simply a microcosm to the greater idea of what business school truly is—a time to engage with like-minded people and those drastically different from oneself. And while you may learn the hard management skills, at the end of the day you are connecting with people. Those relationships with classmates will be the most powerful memories for us students as we embark on careers after Olin.
The GMS trips traveled far across the world. But it’s particularly interesting to hear that it’s the fellow Olin students from St. Louis that we engage with each and every day that truly left the lasting impact on my classmates. They will always share this bond and connection. They will always be part of that GMS team.
Learn more about the Global Management Studies course.
Photos from the GMS trip to Cuba (click to enlarge):
Photos from the GMS trip to Japan (click to enlarge):
Photos from the GMS trip to Colombia (click to enlarge):