Communication skills focus of symposium

In October, Olin will host a gathering of business schools from across the country and around the world for the annual MBA Roundtable Symposium. Here are some of the details.

MBA Roundtable Annual Curricular Innovation Symposium, October 22-23, 2015

Closing the Gap:  Cultivating Communication Competencies in the MBA

mba roundtableNumerous employer surveys cite “communications” as the most critical skill needed in new hires – and often business schools are criticized for insufficient development of these skills in MBAs.

The MBA Roundtable symposium presents research findings and engages participants through interactive formats to explore new techniques to create effective learning experiences and measure communication competencies. The renowned comedy company, Second City, will open the symposium with a highly interactive experience to demonstrate how improvisation can build skills for creativity, communication and collaboration.

Visit for further information and to register.

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